Since 2017, the Consorzio di Tutela Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Dop has been the sponsor of training courses using the company of which it is the sole shareholder, MBC Service s.r.l., a professional training organisation accredited by the Regione Campania in sections A and B (list of operators of teaching and professional training services) pursuant to and for the effects of L.R.[Regional Law]14/2009.
We alternate face-to-face lessons with moments of active learning and experiments in the field around the professional competencies achieved during the courses and internships. Our method is based on four key concepts:
In the organisation and elaboration of our training offer, we collaborate with accredited professionals. We select our teaching staff on the basis of professionalism, experience and excellence.
The course provides the participants with the technical-professional know-how relating to the manufacture of fresh and matured dairy products, working on the entire process of milk transformation.
The three-hour workshop analyses the properties of buffalo milk and its most famous product (mozzarella and also ricotta famous product (mozzarella and also buffalo ricotta di bufala campana dop) from the point of view of dairy technique dairy technique, nutritional and sensory properties. To reserve your place, click here
Sustainability is the key word for tackling the challenges of the future. The products with a designated origin, such as Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, are a model of sustainable production from environmental, economic and ethical points of view. While the link with tradition is a given, less so is that with sustainability. As a consequence, the aim of the course is to propose solutions and strategies for the reduction of the production chain’s environmental impact in accordance with current legislation, as well as making use of integrated approaches
Mastitis is a health problem that can affect, according to recent scientific results, both dairy cows and buffaloes equally. extent both cow and dairy buffalo, contrary to the collective imagination that would see the buffalo ‘immune’. The three-hour course aims to provide the basic information for the management of udder hygiene and to emphasise its importance also from an economic point of view. economic point of view.
The course, organised in collaboration with the AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier – Italian Sommelier Association) is aimed at all those “mozzarella-lovers”, young and not so young, who want to learn how to identify and enjoy a genuine Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP (on its own or as a recipe ingredient) in the best possible way. It proposes interesting combinations with the main quality elements of the Campania wine world.
Mbc service – presso Az. Agricola Sperimentale Regionale “Improsta” Km. 79.800 Strada Statale 18 84025 Eboli